
Life is really …

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Yes, Life is really simple, but we make it complicated. We have a short life, about 75 years life. Start from new born baby until we are dead, this is only 75 years. Why we want to seek the things that not belong to us? We must have a life that we want, not only to earn more money for a better life.

Ways to improve your memory and keep your brain sharp.

Although every once in a while you may come across a person who has trouble forgettinganything at all, most of us struggle with the opposite problem. Heck, some of us can’t even remember what we ate for breakfast this morning. If this is you, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to show you how to develop a superhuman memory. Okay, so maybe not superhuman, but pretty close. Here are 25 surefire ways to improve your memory and keep your brain sharp.

Avoid Stress

Avoid StressStress is not only harmful to your body but also your brain. Prolonged stress can affect an important part of your brain called the hippocampus, which is responsible for generating new memories and recalling old ones. Go for a walk, take a breather, and keep yourself away from stressful situations.

Be a Teacher

Be a TeacherThey say that only when you can teach something do you really know it. Of course, not all of us have the time to teach in a formal school but how about friends and family? Learn, teach, learn, repeat.

Build a Healthy Relationship

Build a Healthy RelationshipResearch has showed that a healthy meaningful relationship and strong support system are not only good for emotional health but for the health of your brain as well. Humans are naturally sociable and the saying ‘no man is an island’ holds true. Start socializing by volunteering for community services, joining a club, and by making it a point to see friends or call them over the phone once in awhile. Even pets would be a good idea.

Eat the Right Food

Eat the Right FoodYour brain needs fuel like your body, so make sure to eat the right kind such as those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, choline and vitamin D. You can also splurge on foods rich in complex carbohydrates for mental energy. You can get your omega-3 in coldwater fish like salmon, sardines, herring, tuna, etc. and from walnuts, flaxseed, soybeans and pumpkin seeds. Limit your calories and saturated fat intake, but instead eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid red meat and other processed foods.

Exercise Your Brain

Exercise Your BrainAside from keeping your body fit, you will also need to engage in some brain fitness like playing chess, Sudoku, mahjong, or card games. Use it or lose it.

Find Your Inner Talents

Find Your Inner TalentsLet your creative juices flow by learning something new. If you do not know how to draw, write, sing, or take photographs – it is not too late. By trying out new skills, you are letting your subconscious express itself, creating new connections in your brain, and possibly building a social network.

Focus on the Basics

Focus on the BasicYou don’t have to learn the details of Einsteins Theory of Relativity, but making your brain hurt every once in while is good for it, even if its just learning how to update your computer.

Get Enough Rest

Get Enough RestIn today’s busy world, sleeping for 6 to 8 hours a day may seem like a dream. Sleep deprivation, however, is bad for your mental health and can lead to memory loss. At least take a nap!

Give Yourself Time to Form a Memory

Give Yourself Time to Form a MemoryMemories are very fragile and they can be easily lost by simple distractions. It is therefore important to focus on the thing that you need to memorize for awhile without thinking about other things. Stay away from distractions and complicated tasks. Maybe studying in the library wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Involve all Your Senses

Involve all Your SensesYou can relate the information that you need to remember to colors, tastes, smells, and textures which will help to imprint them in your brain. Smell is very closely related to memory which is why when you smell a certain type of odor you will remember the smell of the kitchen or your mom’s cooking when you were young.

Laughter, the Best Medicine for the Brain

Laughter, the Best Medicine for the BrainIt’s cliche but true as laughter engages a number of regions across the brain, unlike other emotional responses. It can actually activate some areas in your brain that are needed for learning and creativity.

Learn Some Tunes

Learn Some TunesRemember when you were young you could remember all the songs being played on the radio but found it hard to memorize the poem your teacher asked you to? Music can help a lot if you want to remember something. Most people associate familiar songs with important events in their lives.

Listen to Classical Music

Listen to Classical MusicSome people say that if you want your child to be intelligent, you have to let them listen to classical music while still in the mother’s womb. Also known as the “Mozart Effect,” classical music can greatly relax the mind, clarify your thinking, and even boost your IQ. According to some researchers, the complexity of the classical piece is what activates the brain to make it solve spatial problems more quickly. Nowadays, classical concerts are organized in the hospital to help patients with autism, Parkinsons disease, and hearing loss.

Avoid the bad stuff

A healthy lifestyle does not only involve getting enough rest, exercising daily, or eating the right food. If you want a healthy lifestyle, you also need to avoid habit-forming activities like drinking alcoholic beverages and too much coffee which have harmful chemicals that can damage your brain cells.


Very closely related to number 25 (avoid stress), actively seeking out relaxation every now and then is a good habit if you want to keep yourself sharp into old age.


Move Your Body

Move Your Body
It might sound like we’re starting to beat a dead horse but trust us, exercise is just that important, even for brain.

Pay Attention

Pay Attention
If you find yourself forgetting the name of the person you were just introduced to or where you have placed your eyeglasses (usually on your head) or pen that you have kept for only a few minutes, you are definitely lacking concentration. You can harness your concentration skills by repeating the name of the person in your head three times. It comes down to force of habit.


It sounds obvious but in the short term the easiest thing to do is often the most overlooked – plan things out! Don’t just think you’re going to remember everything. With smart phones these days it shouldn’t be that hard.


PlayBasically, act like a kid. Whether that means playing tag with your coworkers or actually hanging out with your own kids, it’s a surefire way to break your mental funk and set the stage for a stronger memory!

Read out Loud

Read out LoudThis may not work for everybody, but especially for the auditory learners among you, reading out loud can be hugely helpful. Psychology tells us that listening to something being read to you forces deeper comprehension than reading it yourself and makes things easier to remember.

Rehearse the Information

Rehearse the InformationDon’t wait to go over everything. Review it as soon as you learn it…and then the next day, and the next. If you wait too long, you’ll have to learn it all over again.

Relate Information to What You Know

Relate Information to What You KnowYou can connect new information to what you already know, even if it is a simple one or a new material that requires previous knowledge. For instance, you can easily remember the address of a person by associating it with someone that you know who also lives within the same area. This is why most teachers prompt their students to think about what they know about a topic before studying them. Relating their prior knowledge to the texts that they are about to read can greatly improve their comprehension.

Take a Deep Breath

Take a Deep BreathOf course this is more of an “on-the-spot-quick-whats-the-number” type thing but it goes along with what we’ve been saying. Take a minute, chill out, and then see if you can remember anything.

Think in Pictures

Think in PicturesThis was the technique used by famous scientists Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, who had poor memory with words. Einstein visualized scenarios to answer complicated scientific questions, while Tesla carried out the whole experiment in his mind before writing the procedures down. You can make visual information fun by engaging in interesting images such as charts, diagrams, maps photos, etc. rather than being a passive observer. This will help you retrieve the information later rather than just stuffing paragraphs of text into your mind.

Use Mnemonic Devices

Use Mnemonic DevicesMnemonics are actually clues that can help you remember a word, a sentence or a visual image. They may include acronyms, rhymes, or some sort of memory technique. For example, a method called chunking can be used to break down a long list of numbers into smaller, easier to remember bits. Because humans are designed to retain about 7 pieces of distinct information in short term memory at a time, if you have a long phone number to remember, just split it up into 3 or 4 smaller numbers. In fact, in many parts of the world this is done for you.

Simple Tips To Help You Live An Exquisite Life

Aren’t you tired of doing the same thing every single day? The monotonous and repetitive routine of life can rob us of the thrill that life can truly be. However, we have the power to stop this travesty and start living a life with purpose, interest, and peace. These 25 Simple Tips To Help You Live An Exquisite Life will help you begin taking back control of a life that was always meant to be yours.


Love to live


There is so much to do in this life. Don’t cramp yourself in a bottle of miraged-impossibilities. Rather, seek to do something that pushes your comfort zone (go bungee jumping, sky diving, mountain climbing, camping in the woods, camping on a beach, etc.)




Be thankful for EVERYTHING

be thankful.

Look, life is not an entitlement. That mile-long list of things you feel are absolute rights and that you are entitled to needs to be thrown away. Rather, realize that everything you have is a gift and us such, it’s good manners to say thank you.




Avoid gossip


Why waste precious energy on “bad-mouthing” someone else? How does that make you any happier? Instead, try to bring something informative to a conversation where people will feel enriched.




Sleeping OMG

No one is impressed with the fact that you have not slept for days. No only that, but the health consequences are scary and dire. Don’t do that to yourself! Try to get at least 6 hrs (preferably 7-8 hrs) of sleep everyday. Your mind, body, and yes even your soul, will thank you. (click on the image to see how bad sleep deprivation can actually be)




Own a rescued pet

Adopt a Pet, Live Longer!

There is something about saving the life of an innocent being that brings happiness to anyone’s life. Consider saving the life of a rescued animal and who knows, they could very well rescue yours.




Manage your attire


If you dress for success, you tend to be successful. Take care of your appearance. Not only does a good appearance tell the world that you value yourself, but more importantly, you tell yourself that you value yourself.




Take another step


Nothing lasts forever. Hard times come and go. So when you are tempted to give up, just take one more step, live one more day, breathe one more time. And you will see, that change, as gradual as a sunrise, will come before you even realize it.




Avoid things that are useless or ugly

Horrible looking beetle  #insect

Choose to surround yourself with good and beautiful things in anything and everything. Think about the music you listen to, the movies you watch, the art you collect, the books you read, etc.



Stay in touch with friends

Group of friends

Don’t let the hussle of society blind you from whats truly important. At the end of the day, your job won’t take care of you when you’re sick or hurting. But your friends will. So make time for those who truly have your best interest at heart.



Don’t let others define you


So-and-so says you are this-and-that. Well, are you?! (The answer, by the way, is no). Only you know who you are. True, friends can sometimes point out our faults which makes us stronger people. But not even friends define who we are. Only you can define who you are. So don’t let what so-and-so said about your this-or-that, bring you down. Don’t let it! Eschew such foolishness!



Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6

Grandma and Edith

There is great wisdom in experience and there’s great wisdom in innocence. Learn to reap from both.



Make it a goal to make someone smile


This does not mean you need to dress up in a clown suit and go parading about with bad puns. What it does mean is that there are many ways to make people smile. A good bear hug always makes me smile, but maybe you can write a “you’re amazing because…”letter to someone you know. Or, decide to buy someone flowers just to make their day. It’s even better if it’s anonymous with a “you’re amazing because…” letter attached to it.



Spend time getting to know yourself


It’s easy to want to be someone else. But don’t let that happen. Take a moment and look at the mirror. You see that person staring back? That’s you. You’re not (insert name), whoever that may be, no! You are you. And once you spend time getting to know how awesome you are, you wont want to be anyone else.



Surround yourself with humor


Do you have a favorite comedian? Be sure to check out his or her skits often. keep things and people that make you laugh close to you on a consistent basis.



Choose to be happy


When you face circumstances (Good or bad), you make a choice as to how these circumstances affect you. They’re not holding you hostage and forcing you to be sad, mad, or bitter. So, why indulge in them? Sure, life can be a prick sometimes, but that’s even more reason why you should choose to be happy. Choose to smile, laugh, and enjoy all that is good in spite of the temporary bad times.


Eschew hate


no more hate

Ask yourself this and be honest. How have you harmed the person you hate so much? Your hate has caused them no harm, but it’s wrecking your peace, your mind, and even your physiology. Hate is just not worth it, so let it go. Forgive and live a life that’s free and absolutely awesome.





Daydream Believer

Go ahead and let your mind wander through the vast expanse of thought. Let your creativity fly and muse about anything and everything.



Laugh at yourself


Often! Life is too short to take yourself too seriously.



Know your limits


Don’t let your limits defeat you, but don’t be fooled into believing all limits are meant to be defeated. Know your limits. Know which boundaries are meant for good and which are meant to be broken.




Girl reading at the beach

Reading is to the mind as weights are to your muscles. Read things you enjoy and don’t be afraid of the big fat books. Here’s a goal for you. Every year, try to read one more book than you did last year.



Play games


Why is it that when we grow up, fun things become childish? Don’t let these silly labels hamper your enjoyment of something that makes you happy. Go ahead and grab that Supper Soaker and have a blast with family and friends. Heck, have a blast with total strangers if you must, just have a blast!



Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes a day

Enjoy the Silence...

This is harder than it sounds, but if you make this a consistent habit, you will notice a big difference in the way you think and handle situations in your life.



Eschew negative thoughts


There are things you can control, and then there are things you cant. But thinking negatively won’t have any effect on either. Instead, accept things for what they are and move on.



Don’t compare your life to others

Young man and woman taking pictures of each other

You are unique and so is your life. Don’t waste precious time by comparing yourself to someone whom you are not.



Smile while you walk



Spend about about 30 minutes walking each day and smile as you walk. Not only will you be taking care of your body but the act of laughing in public will also train you to look at the mundane through the lenses of happiness.


5 Dining Taboos From All Over The World That You Should Remember

5 Dining Taboos From All Over The World That You Should Remember


In China don’t point your chopsticks at people



In Korea don’t start eating until the oldest person at the table starts



In Chile don’t eat anything with your hands…ever…not even pizza


In Italy don’t ask for extra cheese. If you do you may insult the chef’s cooking skills


In Tanzania make sure you show up for dinner 20 minutes late. If you come early you’ll insult the host


In Russia empty bottles of vodka should always be placed on the ground. Putting it back on the table is seen as bad luck



In Japan you should never pass food with chopsticks. They are used to pass bones at cremation funerals and using them to pass is considered disrespectful



In the UK you should always tilt a bowl of soup away from you. You should spoon the soup away from you as well.



In Russia never lick food off your knife. It is considered extremely rude



In China you should never cut your noodles. Long noodles symbolize long life and cutting your noodles symbolizes, well…short life



In Indonesia you should keep both hands on the table at all times



In Italy always politely decline the first offering of food. Upon the inevitable second offering, always accept.



In Jamaica people believe that if children eat chicken before they can speak they will never talk. So don’t feed chicken to babies.



In Nigeria people believe that children who eat eggs will turn into thieves. So, just like in Jamaica, be careful what you offer to children.



In France do not rush through your meal. It is considered rude.



In Japan never leave chopsticks vertically in your food. This is typically done as an offering to the dead by families at home but in a restaurant it is seen as cursing the owner.




In Afghanistan and throughout the Muslim world, eat your food with your right hand, not your left. The left hand is reserved for bathroom hygiene so using it for eating is considered unclean.




In France do not leave food on your plate or ask for a box. This implies that you did not enjoy the meal.




In Germany the only acceptable food to be eaten with fingers is bread



In Kazakstan you will be served tea, but only half of a cup. Don’t ask for more because a full cup means that the host wants you to leave



In Azerbaijan do not spill the salt because it means you are about to quarrel. Sugar is usually sprinkled on the salt to counter this.



In Egypt don’t even pick up the salt shaker. It will insult the chef



In France you should never split a bill. Either pay the whole thing or pay nothing. Anything else is considered unsophisticated.



In Estonia make sure you kiss any bread that falls on the ground before throwing it away.



In South Korea when you drink something, turn your head and look away



Tibetan sky/celestial burial

Sky burial (Tibetan: བྱ་གཏོར་, w bya gtor), lit. “alms for the birds”) is a funerary practice in the Chinese provinces of Tibet, Qinghai, and Inner Mongolia and in Mongolia proper wherein a human corpse is incised in certain locations and placed on a mountaintop, exposing it to the elements (mahabhuta) and animals – especially predatory birds. The locations of preparation and sky burial are understood in the Vajrayana traditions as charnel grounds.

For Tibetan Buddhists, sky burial and cremation are templates of instructional teaching on the impermanence of life.[11] Jhator is considered an act of generosity on the part of the deceased, since the deceased and his/her surviving relatives are providing food to sustain living beings. Such generosity and compassion for all beings are important virtues in Buddhism.

Although some observers have suggested that jhator is also meant to unite the deceased person with the sky or sacred realm, this does not seem consistent with most of the knowledgeable commentary and eyewitness reports, which indicate that Tibetans believe that at this point life has completely left the body and the body contains nothing more than simple flesh.

Only people who directly know the deceased usually observe it, when the excarnation happens at night.